Monday, January 21, 2013


This morning I had several chores needing to be accomplished - buy a new dress for a funeral we're going to, buy sandals to match the dress, buy a birthday gift for my sister in law. I'd achieved the first two and was heading off to begin the third when I bumped into the children of a friend of mine. Their mother was in the Apple store trying to get her computer woes sorted.  Knowing my friend I thought this could take some time (she seems to have ongoing computer woes that mystify me, but some people have that sort of relationship with technology!)

As an aside, on the way back to the store, when we were agreeing that technology and my friend don't mesh well her kids helpfully told me that she had once gone to the Apple store because her phone wasn't ringing. The Apple people told her that her phone was set on silent. I wasn't surprised by this. I don't think her kids were, either. Oh, and my friend is also blonde!

We rocked up and she was on the Apple store phone getting help from someone somewhere in the world. I'd already asked the kids if they'd had morning tea (no!) and neither had I. So I suggested that I whisk the kids off for morning tea - giving her peace of mind and allow her concentrate on trying to get her technology woes sorted.

The kids, knowing I'm a soft touch, had milkshakes and shared a caramel slice. I had coffee and orange and almond cake (that old standby for the wheat intolerant). And we chatted and chatted and chatted! It was lovely!  They're 8 and 12.  I've known them since before birth. Births which were hard won (their poor father underwent surgery in order to make it possible to have them). One of my treasured memories is standing over the crib of the eldest when she was days old, looking at this gorgeous baby my wonderful friends had created.

They are growing into lovely young people - full of life and optimism. I hope we have more spontaneous get togethers in our futures!

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