Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lazy Sunday

After a week of frenetic activity - we've had my husband's mum visiting from interstate, along with one of his nephews, plus a long weekend trip to Rotto with the whole family, and working - we're having a lazy Sunday.  Well, as lazy as you get finishing the clean up from last night's good bye dinner, doing the washing that should have been done yesterday, tidying up the the bedroom, and other bits and pieces.  Hubby has assumed the position on the couch. (But he's entitled to - he fell over not once, but twice, yesterday and so is feeling a bit sore & sorry.)

It has been really nice spending time with my mother in law - she's one of those people who looks for the upside in everything. An inspiration for me. And we spent more time with my brother in law and his kids than we have for ages. His son & the nephew stayed at our place the other night and decided that letting our dogs sleep with them would be fun. Actually we could have told them it would lead to sleeplessness and bed hogging, but boys will be boys. Needless to say we had two very tired boys in the morning!

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