Sunday, September 23, 2012

Recently Read

"The Ugly Sister" by Jane Fallon. 

I don't know why I downloaded this book, perhaps it was under my $10 limit and had enough reviews that I was confident it would be a good read. I wasn't disappointed. The novel is about perception, sibling rivalry, love and family.  All those emotions we are all intimately familiar with. The ending left you thinking "what happened", which path did the heroine's life take and was it the path you hoped she would take.

"My Big Fake Irish Life" by Caitlin McKenna 

When I shop for books on Amazon suggestions are made as to other books I might like. And this was one of them.  A highly enjoyable rom com, easy to read, with an interesting premise - what happens when you abandon your normal persona and successfully adopt a completely fake one, fooling a whole range of people. How will it affect your family, or your career, or your love life for that matter?

I've downloaded "Manifesting Mr Right" so I hope I'm in for another treat.

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