Saturday, August 18, 2012


Our front lawn and back garden are infested with weeds.  My excuses include it's been a cold winter, I'm tired after my week so lying on the couch or sleeping are more attractive options, and I'd rather read this book than weed.  Until a beautiful spring-like day arrives and then you will find me on my verge pulling out those pesky invaders.

It's extremely satisfying to look back and see the divots marking the places where weeds used to be.  People passing by also share in your success - commenting on the progress you've made, or, if they're glass half empty people, how much more there is to go.

Last spring my husband thought that weed killer was the way to go.  Multiple scorched patches later (and now home to weeds due to the poor soil condition) I think he's learnt his lesson and he was out there this afternoon pulling weeds as well.

We're planning to have another crack at the suckers tomorrow, leaving our front verge looking a lot less weedy.

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