Monday, August 20, 2012


Waking up this morning I was so happy that I didn't have to redo yesterday.

The chronology of yesterday was:
  • Decide to take the dogs for a walk in the morning (now the morning aren't quite so arctic and the sun is getting up a bit earlier) only to have Indi roll in someone's spew down at the local oval. Yuck. So we walked home and she received a bath whilst I dry retched all over her. Gross doesn't begin to describe it. Fortunately she'd just got the vom on her rump so I was able to lift her into the laundry trough without getting it on myself. I just hope the person who left the up chuck had had a good time and their hangover wasn't too bad.  So, no going to the oval until we've had a bit of rain.
  • Organised flights, car, accommodation and flowers to be sent all relating to death of my uncle.  The flower people rang me to say that they don't deliver wreaths to private homes. WTF???  Anyhow they have delivered something and my cousin will photograph so I get to see what we eventually got for our money but I was not a happy camper.
  • Then in the evening, just as I was contemplating a second glass of red, the phone rings to let me know my dad has been taken to hospital after having another (actually one of quite a few by the sounds of it) fall at the hostel where he is now living.  Off to Freo Hospital I head with my brother collecting Mum on the way from his place.  Mum & I saw him about 10pm and I thought he looked like it was a recurrence of the flu, and mum said he'd been coughing that afternoon.  After that we headed home.
On the upside I cooked a cracking casserole in my pressure cooker.  With polenta and savoy cabbage (which I have only just started cooking with and love). 
As I said, I'm very happy to have that particular Monday out of the way.

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