Saturday, September 22, 2012


Recently my parents celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.  What an achievement.  I haven't managed to get out of bed for 50 years yet, let along spend that amount of time with my spouse.  It was a bittersweet celebration, though, as my Dad has dementia and so lives in a hostel (soon to be nursing home).

Mum pressed on with the celebrations though, and organised a small afternoon tea with the bridal party.  Well, her bridal party. She accidentally sent my uncles invite (he was one of the best men) to the wrong address.  Senior moment? Freudian slip? We'll never know, but we were concerned when they didn't how up. During the afternoon I rang my cousin, who went to investigate, tracking my aunt & uncle down to the tennis club bar. Phew! At least they were OK.

The whole day was very emotional for me because I felt Mum shouldn't have had the celebration (based on my prejudice about their situation), and sad because of the state my Dad was in (he was very incoherent that day and had had a fall in the morning).  I spent most of the afternoon ensuring that Dad was OK and trying not to burst in to tears.)

After we took Dad back to the hostel I took my dogs for a walk along the river (I tried out a new bit of the river near Mum's and really liked it - nice & quiet!) and then caught up with Mum for a bit (and took the dogs for a second walk with Mum - lucky dogs!).  When I got home I found that my husband had cooked a fabulous pork roast (with crackling to die for).  Being cooked for is rare treat and was just the balm I needed. It was a delicious end to what had been a stressful day.

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