Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recently read

"The Book of Lost Threads" by Tess Evans
The Book of Lost Threads 

This book was thrust into my hands at my last book club meeting by a woman whose life revolves around threads (she's a fabulously creative person). She had read it at another book club she belongs to and had loved it, as had all the other members.

I loved it too! I've often not been a fan of parallel story lines, often they're too dense and it's difficult to remember which character goes with what story line, or where the story line left off. But I had none of those problems with "The Book of Lost Threads".  The story moved effortlessly, the characters developed in depth and their sadnesses and flaws were gently revealed to the reader. The epilogue beautifully wove together all the threads leaving the reader feeling complete.

I'm looking forward to Tess Evans' next offering - I hope it's as gorgeous as her first.

"Can you keep a secret" by Sophie Kinsella
Can You Keep a Secret?

It's no secret that I love chick lit (and chic lit, but that's another story). And I love and admire Sophie Kinsella.  She writes easy to read, plot driven novels that aren't too dense or intellectual.  "Can you keep a secret" takes on a laugh aloud journey with our heroine, who, in a moment (a very long moment) of near death panic spills all her secrets to the man sitting next to her on the plane.  What transpires next is a series of amusing situations that you can almost imagine yourself being in. As usual there's a happy ending and a satisfied reader!

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