Saturday, September 22, 2012

My social life continues

This weekend is another busy one! Yesterday I walked the dogs in the morning at the park (where we met a gorgeous American Staffy, also called Indi.  She & my Indi had a great time together, mostly long runs). Then I met a friend for a spontaneous shopping trip, and then I picked up my Dad and took him to my Mum's for lunch.

As Dad & I drove down the highway he kept commenting that "it's all the same, nothing has changed".  I don't know what he was expecting, that the world had moved on and become completely unrecognizable? But he couldn't remember how to get to Mum's place. 

They had a nice time together and I think we will probably repeat the little outing from time to time. My mother rang later in the day to see how dad responded to going back to the hostel where he lives - he was fine, thank goodness. I think she thinks he misses her desperately all the time, but I think he just lives in the moment and reacts when he sees her (saying that he wants to go home, and crying - it must be very difficult for her).

We then had good friends over for dinner. Years ago we used to see each other all the time but children and life have overtaken us and we don't catch up nearly enough anymore. We had a lovely evening, talked, drank gorgeous wine, and ate delicious food. They have two lovely children (I remember when the first was born going over to their house for the first time, it was slightly fraught to begin with, but once she was settled in her gorgeous wicker bassinet (a family heirloom, I think) and we'd eaten and relaxed we stood around admiring her perfection!).  I've committed to taking them to see Madagascar 3 at the movies in holidays - a first for all of us!

And this afternoon we're off to my cousin's for lunch. So a busy time! Such a relief to be doing things, rather than staying at home feeling that life is passing us by.

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