Monday, September 17, 2012

This Social Life

I had been feeling that our (well, my) social life was lacking, and a quick look at the calendar confirmed this sad fact.  Up until mid-July things had been going along swimming and then nothing but a wasteland of nights in front of the idiot box (as my father used to call it).  I don't know what happened - possibly winter. Or apathy. Or both.

Anyway the universe must have heard my increasingly desperate mutterings about my social life and responded.  Last week I was out four nights in a row! A quiz night (an annual event which I have been going to for, we worked it out, 16 years or so (with a couple of misses, but that's a good innings). An evening with Ahn Do - what an inspirational and hilarious person. I laughed until I cried. Friday night we had dinner at Must Winebar & Bistro with some good friends.  It was a fairly subdued event - I think we were all pretty zonked, but great food was eaten, lovely wine drunk and it was good, as always, to catch up. And then Saturday night we had dinner with my hubby's cousin, who hadn't been to Perth for 6 years - time which seemed to have flown by.

So our social life is back! Thank goodness.  There's only so much reality TV and surfing of the interwebs that I can endure! I'm sure our social life will continue nicely now that spring has sprung and summer is on the way.  This coming weekend we're having dinner with friends and lunch with my cousin (see what I mean!).

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